Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've finally joined Pinterest.  

Follow Me on Pinterest

My friend Kellie has been on Pinterest for a while, and invited me before, but I wasn't ready to undertake another social site to maintain at the time.  Now there is Google+ that I gotta figure out.  geesh 
What's ya'alls take on Google+ ?  I'm not sure how it is supposed to merge with blogger, but I don't want it to screw up my blog, I'm comfortable with my little space here, and don't really like the appearance of the Google+ bloggy page thingee.  i dunno, maybe in time.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Vintage rules!

I'm getting the system down now for my AristCG's ASOS Marketplace Collection.  Here's a couple pix of my model Chelsea who has always seemed like she walked out of the 60s to me.

A Girl Gotta Do What a Girl Gotta Do!

Oh haven't I said that a lot in my life time!

I can't spend a lot of time whining about the tragedies, hardships, injustices and other struggles in my life--though perhaps I should spend a little time describing some of the former, or how will people begin to comprehend or identify if I don't?  But, I can't.  I am so much like a Vietnam Vet.  It's painful to relive some of these things--near maddening.  So...onward I press!

I am currently without a job for a few months.  I have too much debt after my year with breast cancer and the snowball effect of car troubles that followed.  I have a prick of a brother who took control of all my father's assets, blah blah blah.  No family nor partner to support me.  So...onward I press!

I've always been industrious.  I'll say it again:


Shy of selling my body or drugs...I do what I can, when I can, with what energy I have to try to make a buck here and there.  I'm nickel and dime'n it through life.  I'm making little cactus/succulent gardens & terrariums--Lucky 7 Gardens--though the expense is higher than the return so far.  I'm trying to get my art out there--my photography book In the Bedroom is now available as an ebook!  And now...I'm trying to sell some clothes off my back (well, my closet) on a website based out of London.  It's proven to be extremely time consuming.  There was the time spent photographing my models, and then days of doing photo facials and other editing to the images.  Then, and entire day--yes, entire day--just to get one entire outfit posted on the site!  phew  I hope I can narrow down the time spent on this process as I go along.  I hope it pays off.

Here are a few images and a link to my collection at asos Marketplace:   ArtistCG's collection

A couple of the outfits I will have to reshoot :( because though I thought I read all there was to read about the requirements, I didn't see that you could only have one person per photo until I went to list the items.  Chasity & Que sure look adorable in the shots of them together, so they'll be happy to have them anyway--and I like them too!  :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bird Watching

This winter I have had some of my favorite birds visiting me regularly - dark eyed juncos. They are cute pudgy little gray birds with white bellies. I like the color gray - I've been wearing a lot if it this winter.

I put out peanuts in the shell on my bistro table for the blue jays to come grab- this excites the cats! They talk back to the blue jays when they make their cawing sound alerting that they've found food. Those blue jays are smart - they come from who knows how far away almost immediately after I set the peanuts out! So cool. My squirrel buddies will take peanuts from my hands - I love them!!!!

Bird watching is a fun activity for us all...here's Mickey Lou n Lil P sharing a seat and sharing the view

Friday, February 24, 2012

eventually pretty

I discovered this young girl's blog--eventually pretty--she's a wise little soul!  check it out, esp today's post February, and September's post On Toxic People.

Onto what just happened with me...someone said to me "Isn't that just paint thrown on a canvas?  I mean, couldn't I just do that?"  To all of you who think that way about any abstract art, I say "Prove it!"

Here's the paintings of mine the person was looking at:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the Bedroom - now an ebook!

I currently have the softcover & hardcover with dust jacket set with standard paper to keep the cost at its minimum for the book I created of my series In the Bedroom.  The hardcover with image wrap has Premium Lustre paper--higher quality, heavy duty paper, for better color and protection from handling.  I ordered a sample pack of their paper choices, and I might upgrade these further, but this will bring the cost up.  I will probably leave the softcover as is, because I want it to be affordable, but still want to offer higher quality to those who care about it.  I now have it available as an ebook for just $10.99!!!!  So of course the color is superb on an iPad, and you can zoom up on the photos!  There are 152 color pages, so please understand why the real books are priced as they are -- though low compared to others on the market!  It is like having 2 books in one, because I included my Sucker Pix, which were images I shot of my models with me giving them a sucker after our photo shoot!  They are fun & sexy!

Please support diversity & buy at least the ebook!  I want to keep creating and give you more to look at than what you see on the magazine stands!  :)

Chakra goodies

Just sharing a link to my sissy's Etsy site...check out her pretty bracelets and soaps!  Please support us in our endeavors, cuz like I always say A Girl Gotta Do What a Girl Gotta Do!


Facebook proposal

ahh that FB...it's fun.  it's great to keep in touch with peeps near and far, to multi-task on, to get in touch with peeps from the past (my childhood babysitter, my former sister-in-law, etc)--it's a great way to reconnect and to connect.

speaking of connecting...i got a recent marriage proposal on there.  it went like this in the chat:
"you should marry me"


I told him I'd consider it.  This is how I got my last boyfriend--from a FB chat.  What a joke.   It was a joke, he asked me to be his gf, I said yes, and we changed our relationship status.  Girls didn't waste any time posting ignorant stuff on his wall like "you left some clothes at my house" etc.  haha  I didn't give a F.  I didn't engage in the drama.  What a joke.  And what was a joke, turned out to be a joke...if you get my pun.  Ah, I dunno, for those who don't know me, the more you read what I write, the more you'll get my sense of humor when I'm being punny.   Our longest conversation was that initial FB chat.  Later, there was an occasion where he talked for 5 hours, but I can't call this a conversation, because I never really got to talk.  I'd say something like I have a lot from my past that I need someone to share it with too, and I have feelings that need to be heard.  He tried telling me some bs of how he knows...hell no, he don't know.  But he sure wanted me to know all his bs.  mercy.  I'm not hatin', cuz the way I am, I still care about him and everyone else I encounter--just can't be his gf that's all!

Here's a poem that came out of the short adventure:


Your talk / fanciful view of a famous future
while you puff, puff your days, weeks, years / lifetime away
your intensity /your anger / your disrespect

Some of your negativity will simmer in the crock-pot of my mind
Your behavior, misogynistic ways, gave me the equivalent of food poisoning

As we osculated
lips meeting / hands grasping
one would feed, the other eat
You took the role of hunter / I, the doe-eyed girl
Of course, it’s natural for a predator to lure with food
It’s natural for a fawn to graze

Though you never anticipated the prey to dodge your bullets
with such exquisite precision—did you?

I can be lured / I need to eat / but,
I can’t be caught / and I won’t cower
When an aggressive voice rants, I might whimper / a few times
It’s a deceptive trait I’ve polished—like chipmunks who play dead
I allow you to prove yourself to be a good human  / not one who wishes me harm
A human who’s been wronged / but trying to make right

I silently observe your actions / your reactions / while
I remain calm

After repeat scenarios, however, where the trap gets set
starts to close with a gnarly bite / when I approach with diminutive grandeur
carrying flowers /delivering rose petal baths
driving Mr. Dickweed
My prowess flourishes / my lion’s mane stands proud

I am a shape shifter

and I don’t fuck around.

I don’t fuck around with humans / messing with my time on this earth
my peace / my energy / because
I need it
to protect what I know to be good and true

I won’t attack / but,
I’ll demonstrate with my assertive strength
there is no room for your aggressive approach
in my lair

I tell you to get out / get movin’
beyond my space
with my mouth / with my eyes
to let you witness my transformation

Cuz you see...just because you were left to raise yourself in the wild
doesn’t give you license to prey upon the innocent

Did you miss out on the lesson
“You catch more bees with honey?”

So, here it is...you may think it all started with a Cherry
but, it ends at Cherry

You spray me with I Love You’s, but like my girl Joyce says....
you are one of those who’s “talking loud, but saying nothing”

and I...
I am one of those who wants a man who drinks water
walks the good walk / and

recognizes a good catch when he sees it

Girls Behaving Badly

My friend Chris Penney just began filming comedy skits--well, he's done 1 so far.  I'd like to participate.  Besides having him film my spoken word, I think it'd be great fun to do comedy!  I've wanted to be on SNL since I was a teen.  I dig SNL's digital shorts.  I loved In Living Color.  My Name is Earl is my fav comedy TV series.  And now, I'm on the kick of watching an episode of Arrested Development nightly before I sleep to drain my brain of my worries.  Laughter is the best medicine!

When Chris told me he wanted to film comedy skits, I immediately thought of Girls Behaving Badly  Some of the pranks that Chelsea Handler did make me a little uneasy too--I feel bad for the guys!  Here's one to get you started, then click on some more if you dig her--there are plenty on Youtube!

Matter of Fact

You read it here 1st!  I've yet to post this on Writers Cafe or the Almost Dead Poets Society on FB.  I performed it only twice--once at Red Lotus Gallery in Muskegon for Open Mic--and most people in the place were stoned outta their minds & suffering from short term memory loss, so I seriously doubt anyone grasped it.  The next time was for an audience of 2 at the Avant Garde 2434.  It's lengthy--7 1/2 minutes for me to recite.  But still...it's full of some current events that trouble me, compacted in what I call nutshell version.  So, even though it's lengthy, much more could be said on the topics.  Lemme know what you think, cuz I'm contemplating making a video of this spoken word piece.

Here it here it go:

Matter of Fact

My heart skips beats / pounds

The apex of my heart feels pain / physically / metaphorically
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before things do

Haters won’t help
But will you?

I'm burning from the inside out
Frankenstein resurrected me / abandoned me 
But I'm still here walkin this earth 
Where else I'm supposed to be?

As smart as I am / I ain't got the answers
I'm just askin the questions / gonna have u askin too
Til enough people do... the white upper class is gonna rule 

We gotta ask / we gotta do / we the meek 
We wanna inherit the earth- don’t we ya'all? 
Cuz we sho ain't gonna inherit our share 
That's my brother's role / my brother / the family thief
My brother who don’t care 
Emptied daddy’s bank  / stepped over Uncle’s rank
Changed will / collectin signatures from an elderly man under hospital sheets
Nursing home unaware of his deceit
Collectin pension checks he ain’t earned / money on a house that ain’t his
Took daddy’s Cadillac too
But hey...I got one too! / Paid cash for mines
because I work! / with an ailing body / a determined mind

It's the greedy / the 1% / the white bureaucracy
Tryin to play the rest of us like puppets 
But I was born from the same daddy prick
And I got karma on my side / and my people / we 
The generational divide / the rainbow coalition 
The yellow / brown / black & tan
Furry and feathered too
We gonna take care of Mother Nature 
Gonna come after you like tsunami / Global 
Warming you 

The apex of my heart feels pain / physically / metaphorically 
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before things do

My brother won't help 
But will you? 

Wish I could get past all these should be adults
Quick sand / suckin down / drinkin much
supportin little / not even theyselves 
In a woulda been man / instead of a clone, canned / sittin
Just sittin / like a teenager / in a wasted land
Barkin angry tones / directed at angels / angels just restin
When u shoulda been payin more attention to ur demons / bitin
Bitin at ur feet / cripplin ur capacity to walk / upright
Like a homo sapiens / homo erectus 

Hell...nothin stands erect
Nothin functions normally
In dat up/down, in/out, high/low 
Serotonin droppin / dopamine excitin...but fewer poppin
No receptors to grab a hold of either / neither
Sho can’t grab a hold of me
Move me past them universe / shift 
If I can't save them, let me drift
Cuz they are stuck in strife 
And me / I / I’m tryin to keep movin thru this life 

They ain’t got a penny / ain’t payin they child support 
Don't wanna work / refuse to be re•spon•si•ble
Collectin from our f'd up gov / swallowin all my syll•a•bles

Our gov / where the rich get richer / the poor can’t find they way
The workin class / head spinnin / from all they seen 
Can't afford to eat / pockets are too lean
The drinkin / druggin / non-productive / fools
Tradin they EBT for what they owe on the street 
They ain’t got a penny / but they wanna eat
They wanna see / what I can do with my million dollar hands 
Top or bottom they wanna receive 
Top or bottom they don't give 
Step off my platform you lost boys
I’m tryin to live!

The apex of my heart feels pain / physically / metaphorically 
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before things do

These lost boys won't help
But will u? 

Goin to church / but where's the morals?
Thieves / killers / robbin people of they dollahs
Snatchin the life of they loved ones
Mamas with nothin left to do but holla

I wanna breed compassion 
But where do I start? 
To insight this change / to rearrange 
The lost souls / they know not what they do???
Know not what to do / with they disadvantaged / or
Too privileged life

But they go to church
They preach God  & Bible / but they never read a book
Matter of fact 
Some of their mission is of misogyny
Matter of fact
they use their religion to promote their patriarchy / to abuse
To be homophobic / to hate
To start wars / to make excuses
For what they do and do not do
God...is their scapegoat / when they fight or steal / to get a new logo’d coat or kicks
whatever the media says is the top picks
It's all about things / guns / thugs / white collar mug
Red / Blue
Republican / Democrat / or
Bloods / Crips
all of ‘em on some Jesus trip, but they still takin sides / loyal to clicks

But where is their compassion? 

The apex of my heart feels pain / physically / metaphorically 
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before things do

God’s children won’t help
But will you?

I'm different / but u & me...we r the same 
And I need a crusader
Unity in diversity / I'm delivering it / to u 
Eat it / taste it / spit it / repeat it 
Save our earth / save our animals / save our people 
Tell those 1% to vacate they high throne 
Cuz those mortgage lenders took ½ a trillion in 0% loans / from our 
Federal Reserve 
But won’t reduce the interest rate for those working / and leave them / Foreclosed

Black men / you are not as one dimensional as the media / including BET /
have made you out to be 
You got to turn the tide / you got to deliver some powerful messages
Don't let the white man buy ur soul 
Use ur time on the mic wisely / don’t reduce yourself
to an illusion of control

Re-write our history
Will you?

Cuz I got a pain in the apex of my heart

I'm The ArtistCG 
And this Is my poetry
Evolution / in progress 

playing make up!

so i fell behind but ima get in my 366 leap year days for this blog in 2012!  Today is make up day!
So, to make up for the lost days (when I was stressing over my medical coverage, health, mortgage, and financial difficulties) I am going to begin with a few images of cool makeup I found on the net :)  I had a dream about having some very smokey eye makeup on, I can't remember where I was going, but think I was hot!  haha

On a diff note, but still in dreamland...I had a dream night before last that I was in a movie theater with Mickey Lou on my lap.  We were in the front row.  I was thinking oh wow, i bet i'm not supposed to have him in here! what if the people a couple seats down from me are allergic?  Then there was a quiet scene and he was purring so loud, I was worried it would bother people.  But...it was sure cuddly to have him on my lap!  heehee

Ok...onward with some made up faces:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

well hell...let there be Jammies!

I'm screwing up on my writing daily thing, but I will make the leap so I have 366 posts for 2012 anyway. 

I've got dry eyes from working the entire day on the photos I took at the WYCE Jammie Awards.  It's our local Grammy's type of thingee.  Local, non-profit, public radio.  Cool.  Folk, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Alternative, and then some.  For the Jammies, not only do they give out awards to the winning bands, but a fair share of the people who go to this FREE event rock their jammies!  I did this year!  Ok...here's a few pix for you:

Friday, February 17, 2012


lame posts.

i gotta start writing in here in the am, cuz by the pm, my brain has turned into a marshmallow

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Playing Yoville

Since re-organizing/re-decorating my condo has been challenging from shelves that almost came crashing down causing a 2-day fix & straighten activity...to a painting falling from the wall today hitting a Wall Blossom (plug-in air freshener) and knocking the outlet right out of the wall with its wire guts spilled out onto the floor.  ugh


Now, I'm playing Yoville, where I can redecorate without anything breaking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lucky Valentine!

I'm on a roll with my Lucky 7 Gardens

Production got slowed a bit yesterday when my shelves in my studio room about came crashing down!  My good ol' neighbor Jerry helped me secure them today.  I'm hesitant to put much on them now though.  :p  So, I need to hit up IKEA soon to get a couple more for the other wall.  Gotta make room for all these plants!  I had boxes (storage/organizer boxes from yah IKEA) on the 2 shelves I have up, tried to move them all to the top shelf with the intent to put my plants on the lower shelf, but um nope.  Now, the storage boxes are just stacked on the floor.  blah

Yeah, I've got good neighbors and I'm soooo #grateful!!!!  My mama would be happy that I have these people in my life who care for me and look out for me.  Whenever I make a run somewhere like Lowes with Jerry, he likes to stop and get me a hamburger.  I love this--he's kinda like a dad to me, in a dysfunctional sort of way, but a good dysfunction!  Yesterday, my neighbor Sue emptied some canned goods out of her cupboards for me.  I'm used to giving the postman bags of food from my cabinets when there is a food drive, but mine are near empty & so is my fridge.  I haven't been this low on food in a long time.  I am #grateful to both of these dear neighbors of mine!  I feel so blessed to live in this community with such good people.  Then tonight, my friend Fernando's mom--Noris--brought me some groceries over from her house.  I like being on the giving end of things, and receiving often makes me feel uncomfortable, but I learned a lesson from someone who reached out to give to me during my breast cancer time of need -- she said that if I like to give, and it makes me feel good to give, then I should allow someone else to do that for me, and to have that feeling too.  What a sweetheart!  That was Kathy--the woman who took me in when I attempted to work after losing my previous job due to my health (more or less).  Life is Good.  I miss my mama.  My brother & sister have broken my heart & the ties are broken, but I've always been one to believe that everything happens for a reason.  Even the dark, blue, tragic mess that some of us have to go through, it leads us someplace, and for me...that place is here right now, and yeah....I'm #grateful.

A few shots of the newbies:

Monday, February 13, 2012

about Whitney

a FB RT of my status yesterday:

i worry that dear friends of mine will have a similar fate and won't wake up one of these times from passing out in a drunken stupor :( i've spent more than 1/2 of my life fighting for my life, and it breaks my heart how so many destroy what could have been a healthy body that could have given them longevity #addictionkills and it leaves their loved ones (& people like me) hollow from grief #wishihadthemagiccure

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Voice

Watched The Voice tonight.  I seldom watch TV, but turned it on while I ate my spaghetti (pickins r slim around here).  I like how they listen before seeing the performer.  I always notice unique things or pitch problems in a person's voice more so when I'm out of the room and not distracted by their appearance.  Lindsey Pavao's rendition of Trey Songz "Say Aah"was awesome!  So different--I dig it!

Check it out: 

Snow day!

I did my taxes n played Yoville for the rest of the day. I didn't leave the house- this is so rare for me, cuz I always feel like I have to be productive somehow, I rewarded myself for doing my taxes (disappointed my
refund isn't greater) by just chillin in my comfy clothes n Woobie blue robe. At 7pm I couldn't keep my eyes open, but didn't want to sleep that early, so I drank some mystic chai n now it's 2:30am n I'm still awake. :-/

Does Yoville imitate life? Or life imitate Yoville ? I couldn't get anything to eat in there except some magic weed that turned me green.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gettin silly!

Went to the Postcard Salon at the Muskegon Museum of Art- over 1,000 postcard size artworks this year! I entered the max of 5 - 2 sold. They will keep the remaining unsold art in the gift shop for another month- so I hope the rest of mine sell!

2 of my neighbors/friends backed out last minute- this shit is wearing my understanding nature thin. I already told one I won't invite her anywhere like this again because she does it every time...the seats coulda been filled by someone else (I said it very calmly yet sincere). Just spoke to them both earlier and they were adamant about going. The other I found out out after calling for an hour and pounding on his door that he had passed out drunk. This bothers me worse because I worry. He never answered the door but a neighbor had seen him wobbling to the trash 2 hours prior too drunk to stand or walk. :(

Enough of that... I had a great time with the friends who did go! We went to Olive Garden after n it was nice to visit with them! Yesterday I spent a few hours visiting with a friend I haven't seen in a bit, and that made my soul happy. I am thoroughly enjoying not working right now! Of course I'm keepin all kinds of busy, but it's doin creative things I thrive at, n being in the company of good people, so it feels rewarding .

Here's my buddies bein silly at OG:

past midnight but here's some succulent pix!

 Tiffany Blue Succulent Garden - love the color of the dish & the powdery blue succulents!

 These Japanese tea cups with mini cactus trees 
would make great little take home gifts for a dinner party!

 Vintage glasses made adorable Cactinis!

These would work great for a garden/dinner party too!

You can see my collection and watch it grow on my FB page:  Lucky 7 Gardens by ArtistCG
All are available for purchase if you live in West Michigan!
If you live elsewhere in the U.S. it's possible to ship, but there would be added cost, 
and I'd have to disassemble them to make them safe for travel!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gettin Dirty!

I made oodles of little to medium cactus gardens today, and started a bunch of babies in a tray.  I decided that I'm going to call my terrariums & succulent designs Lucky 7 Gardens by ArtistCG.  I am using 7 layers of natural materials, and including special items to bring Peace, Tranquility & Good Luck to whoever's home they will reside in.  :)

I'll shoot pix of them tomorrow.  Here's an album on my Facebook fan page with images of the terrariums & mini Bonsai Jades:  Lucky 7 Gardens by ArtistCG
I'll add to this album once I shoot pix of the newbies!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Funk Yeah!

Went to the Funky Buddha Yoga Hothouse today for a free session with my friend Chelsea.  The space is heated up to about 90F.  Depending on who is teaching and what the environment is like, yoga can be a nice experience or yeah...a funky one.  I'm not sure if both the instructors where in training, but the reason for the free session is when someone is training to teach.  The one who taught the 1st half of the class I didn't care for her style, the 2nd one I enjoyed much more--her voice was more enthusiastic, and the moves where more synchronized.  I think I liked the warmth, but because it was so packed, it was a little too close for comfort--worried about my feet hitting the head of the girl behind me, and not wanting to have my face right next to the girl's feet in front of me, made it not as optimal as it might have been with more space to do the moves.

You know how there is always 1 hoochie at every wedding?  Doesn't there always seem to be one creepy man at every yoga class?  I really don't care to hear them breathing so damned heavy.  I don't like looking at their sweaty body and perverted face.  And I really could have done without seeing the creepy man today adjusting his balls!  ew

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Super Fat

Just got in from a Super Bowl party.  I don't have a clue about the football, but I watched Madonna do her thang, and filled my belly with munchables.  mmmm!  Visiting with friends and nibbling on yum yums--one of my fav activities!  Oh yah...and snapping pix! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

5 terrariums & 3 bonsai jades

I made these terrariums & mini jades today!  Yay!  & I already sold the large one in the fish bowl on the right!  Yay!  They are like little Zen gardens, they bring peace to me in the process of creating them, and the serenity is passed onto the receiver.  :)  If you live in West Michigan and see something you like shoot me an email at theartistcg@gmail.com to inquire.  I will begin the cactus & succulent gardens tomorrow (the jades fit into that group).

Friday, February 3, 2012

How Succulent!

I picked up some more plants today for my indoor gardens that I'm going to create--pickins are slim around here.  I researched how to start a new plant from cuttings, and most say to allow a leaf from a succulent plant to callous (dry out for a few days) before putting it into soil.  I remember my mom just sticking a leaf right back into the dirt if it fell off.  I used rooting powder, and did not allow them to dry out.  Perhaps I should experiment and try both ways.  I bought one large container of various cactus to divide up, because I wasn't finding much variety.  I have more cactus & succulents for potted arid designs than I have for moist terrariums.  I did, however, pick up 4 mini ferns today.  I have mostly small containers to work with too, so I'm likely to go a Bonsai route with some of these.

I'm excited about my new hobby that will add to my horticultural experience!  & hopefully fetch me a few dollahs too!

These videos were fun video to look at:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Moist & Dry

I'm going to make terrariums to sell!  Some with plants that like a moist environment, and some open with succulents!  Yay!  It's gonna be fun!  I picked up the goods for the soil & drainage, I have some containers & picked up a few more, and I bought some plants--but am looking for sources for more.  This will take a while to evolve, because I will need to have a base of plants that I can take cuttings from to have a ready supply as I create new little environments.  It wouldn't be practical to pay full price for these plants with each project, because I'd have to ask too much money for the designs.  Once I've got a system going, I will attempt to make some living art!  Yep, that's right, using succulents of various colors, I will plant them in a certain pattern and once they are settled cozy in their new home, I will attempt to turn the piece vertical for hanging on a wall!  I love combining my arts!  Painting with plants!  Yay!  Coolness!

Onto do more research.....hasta maƱana, buenas noches!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bikini Lines

I just learned of an amazing art project--that will also help humanity!--through a graffiti/street art blog I follow.  Urban Art Core

It will be the world's largest artwork--and I WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS!!!!  They need artists!  CHECK!  writers!  CHECK!  photographers!  CHECK!  and more!  I'll figure out how I want to go about submitting a proposal later, I'm quite sleepy with my full belly right now.

It was a fun, and creatively productive day!  I shot fashion pix of Chasity & Que--to start off my vintage clothing sales & fashion photography.  I will upload them to the ASOS site I discovered and see how it goes.  I have a couple more shoots lined up this week.  :)  What a relief it is to be not-working and sooo ultra productive creatively!  I freakin live for this she-it!!!!!!

I also went out and got supplies to start creating terrariums & mini gardens--which I will also sell! 

A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do!  n u know what?  I'M LOVIN' IT!

Check out:  Bikini Lines to learn more about that mega cool art project that will be history in the making!  I wanna leave my mark on this earth, for the people n animals who share it

Watch this video pitch for the project--the guy is cute too with a cute accent!  ;)