Sunday, March 29, 2009

Attention PLEASE!

WTF. Does anyone pay attention anymore? Does everyone have ADD?

My most recent frustration is with the bitch nurses at a couple of my docs offices who are reluctant to help me with the necessary info I need to supply to my insurance company, so they will continue to pay for my much needed blood pressure med. They don't listen to me, nor do they pass on what I'm requesting to my docs. grrrr

Ok, well, beyond that. I talked to my brother today. He was just hospitalized for a heart problem. It's not that I needed him to listen to me on this occasion, because this was a time for me to listen to him. I did want to offer some suggestions, however, since I've dealt with too many doctors and have taken too many meds in my lifetime. Every single time I talk to him on the phone his wife is right next to him yapping! He carries on more of a conversation with her than with me when on the phone. If I am speaking, she is speaking in the background at the same time. There is no way he can hear both of us--especially since he is a bit hard of hearing! If it was just a one time thing it would be understandable, because this is a stressful event afterall. Such is not the case though, it's every time.

Then there is my sister. Whenever she returns a call of mine she is driving home through the dead zone, where the phone is certain to lose service. Or, she calls late when I'm already sleeping. Today when I called her to talk about my brother, and my frustration over my health care, she was on her cordless landline phone that kept beeping. Her cell doesn't work great in her house, so we inevitably try to talk with her on her beeping battery depleted landline. If she stayed in one spot on her cell, we could have reception, but no. Or, if she used the corded phone it wouldn't beep, but no.

Then there are boys. Boys are dumb. Men are dumber.

Texting is what everyone does now. It's convenient. I'm with it. I've got my QWERTY keypad. Clearly, I don't relish trying to carry on conversations with so many distractions taking place anyhow! But damn...can someone respond to a text? It doesn't have to be immediate, but the courtesy of a response would at least be nice. And as far as communication goes...a dude can tell me what color toenail polish I had on and when, and when he met me, where he's seen me, what I've said and done, and notice the hat on my head....but can't respond to a text? Can't give me the proper attention I need???? WTF

Well, about my BP med. All this stress, and that drug is working. My BP is normal (at least something about me finally is!). So, get it covered already bitches, before I do something to raise yours!


1 comment:

  1. update: not speaking to my brother or sister, and honestly, should have let them slide out of my life long ago. my brother is a greedy, raging asshole. my sister is oblivious. finally...i'm so done with them.
