You read it here 1st! I've yet to post this on Writers Cafe or the Almost Dead Poets Society on FB. I performed it only twice--once at Red Lotus Gallery in Muskegon for Open Mic--and most people in the place were stoned outta their minds & suffering from short term memory loss, so I seriously doubt anyone grasped it. The next time was for an audience of 2 at the Avant Garde 2434. It's lengthy--7 1/2 minutes for me to recite. But's full of some current events that trouble me, compacted in what I call nutshell version. So, even though it's lengthy, much more could be said on the topics. Lemme know what you think, cuz I'm contemplating making a video of this spoken word piece.
Here it here it go:
Matter of Fact
My heart skips beats
/ pounds
The apex of my heart feels pain / physically
/ metaphorically
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before
things do
Haters won’t help
But will you?
I'm burning
from the inside out
resurrected me / abandoned me
But I'm still here
walkin this earth
Where else I'm
supposed to be?
As smart as I am /
I ain't got the answers
I'm just askin the
questions / gonna have u askin too
Til enough people
do... the white upper class is gonna rule
We gotta ask / we
gotta do / we the meek
We wanna
inherit the earth- don’t we ya'all?
Cuz we sho ain't
gonna inherit our share
That's my brother's
role / my brother / the family thief
My brother who don’t
Emptied daddy’s bank
/ stepped over Uncle’s rank
Changed will /
collectin signatures from an elderly man under hospital sheets
Nursing home unaware
of his deceit
Collectin pension
checks he ain’t earned / money on a house that ain’t his
Took daddy’s
Cadillac too
But hey...I got one
too! / Paid cash for mines
because I work! /
with an ailing body / a determined mind
It's the greedy /
the 1% / the white bureaucracy
Tryin to play the
rest of us like puppets
But I was born
from the same daddy prick
And I got karma
on my side / and my people / we
The generational divide
/ the rainbow coalition
The yellow / brown /
black & tan
Furry and feathered
We gonna take care
of Mother Nature
Gonna come after you
like tsunami / Global
Warming you
The apex of my heart feels pain / physically /
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before
things do
My brother won't
But will you?
Wish I could get
past all these should be adults
Quick sand
/ suckin down / drinkin much
supportin little /
not even theyselves
In a woulda been man
/ instead of a clone, canned / sittin
Just sittin / like a
teenager / in a wasted land
Barkin angry tones /
directed at angels / angels just restin
When u shoulda been
payin more attention to ur demons / bitin
Bitin at ur
feet / cripplin ur capacity to walk / upright
Like a homo sapiens
/ homo erectus
Hell...nothin stands
Nothin functions
In dat up/down,
in/out, high/low
Serotonin droppin / dopamine
excitin...but fewer poppin
No receptors to grab
a hold of either / neither
Sho can’t grab a
hold of me
Move me past them
universe / shift
If I can't save
them, let me drift
Cuz they are stuck
in strife
And me / I / I’m tryin
to keep movin thru this life
They ain’t got a
penny / ain’t payin they child support
Don't wanna work /
refuse to be re•spon•si•ble
Collectin from
our f'd up gov / swallowin all my syll•a•bles
Our gov / where
the rich get richer / the poor can’t find they way
The workin class
/ head spinnin / from all they seen
Can't afford
to eat / pockets are too lean
The drinkin
/ druggin / non-productive / fools
Tradin they EBT for
what they owe on the street
They ain’t got a
penny / but they wanna eat
They wanna see
/ what I can do with my million dollar hands
Top or bottom they
wanna receive
Top or bottom they
don't give
Step off my platform
you lost boys
I’m tryin to live!
The apex of my heart feels pain / physically
/ metaphorically
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before
things do
These lost boys
won't help
But will u?
Goin to church / but
where's the morals?
Thieves / killers /
robbin people of they dollahs
Snatchin the
life of they loved ones
Mamas with nothin
left to do but holla
I wanna breed
But where do I
To insight this
change / to rearrange
The lost souls / they
know not what they do???
Know not what to do
/ with they disadvantaged / or
Too privileged life
But they go to
They preach God
& Bible / but they never read a book
Matter of fact
Some of their
mission is of misogyny
Matter of fact
they use their
religion to promote their patriarchy / to abuse
To be homophobic /
to hate
To start wars / to
make excuses
For what they
do and do not do their
scapegoat / when they fight or steal / to get a new logo’d coat or kicks
whatever the media
says is the top picks
It's all about
things / guns / thugs / white collar mug
Red / Blue
Republican /
Democrat / or
Bloods / Crips
all of ‘em on some
Jesus trip, but they still takin sides / loyal to clicks
But where is their
The apex of my heart feels pain / physically
/ metaphorically
It needs some things to change
It might cease to beat / before
things do
God’s children won’t
But will you?
I'm different
/ but u & me...we r the same
And I need a
Unity in diversity
/ I'm delivering it / to u
Eat it / taste it /
spit it / repeat it
Save our earth /
save our animals / save our people
Tell those 1% to
vacate they high throne
those mortgage lenders took ½ a trillion in 0% loans / from our
Federal Reserve
But won’t reduce the
interest rate for those working / and leave them / Foreclosed
Black men / you
are not as one dimensional as the media / including BET /
have made you out to
You got to turn
the tide / you got to deliver some powerful messages
Don't let the white
man buy ur soul
Use ur time on the
mic wisely / don’t reduce yourself
to an illusion of
our history
Will you?
Cuz I got a pain in the apex of my heart
I'm The
And this Is my
Evolution / in