Since my last post was a recent blog topic request, I thought I'd pull a couple I had from when I was on myspace and share them here. This one is still fitting today, because I was recently talking to a friend about how change can be good. Just a few short months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I more or less lost my job and the majority of my clientele as a result of this change (I was working in a barbershop), the economy really took a dump (so I couldn't sell if I wanted to), and goes on, and here I sit. I'm eternally grateful for my life, for the people and animals in it, and I like to believe every happens for a reason...blah blah blah. I really don't know what the future has in store for me. I have a thirst for travel and new experiences, but I am content right where I am too. Ultimately, I think I want someone in my life. A loving companion. I think I'd like to be right here with them, and do some traveling. It's not that I wouldn't consider a move anymore, but I'm like the caged bird that would need to be acclimated to a change in environment now.
Here it goes from May 29, 2009:
Current mood:
This subject is on Kristine Young's request...Change
pondered how to tackle this subject. Spare change? Easy! I'd drop a
couple quarters in the candy machine at the movie theater and get some
Runts and Mike & Ikes! Making other changes? Not so easy.
Ultimately, however, I still believe change is good.
have been contemplating a big move for several years now. With each
passing winter day that decision for change becomes more pressing. I
have dreamed of a move to Miami--where it's sunny, the ocean could wash
away my worries, the warm weather might mean better physical health
and probably be emotionally satisfying too. I want to be around more
single people. Grand Rapids is a nice place to raise a family, but I am
the anamoly of this city--no family, no spouse, no kids. For most
people around here they have extended families, and marry young. The
mindset here is different than I was accustomed to on the east of the
state. Though I've found a niche of diverse people and places to hang
out with and at, I still long for something more. I also want to be
someplace that has a larger art scene--both for the exposure of my own
artworks, and to enjoy art related activities (visual arts, music,
etc.). Around here, it seems like all people know how to do is drink.
Social and communication skills seem to have been run over.
I visited Scottsdale, AZ. I would love to move there. I'm not sure
how long I would stay there, but it would be a pleasant change. The
gathering places are very hip & trendy. There are many galleries. I
would be reasonably close to other artistic hot spots--like San Diego.
I would be either a short drive or direct, cheap flight away from many
cities/states that I'd like to visit. I could cover more turf, more
easily than I can from the midwest. I'd like to see more of Cali/Sante
Fe, New Mexico/Colorado/Portland, Oregon/Seattle. I could do more
networking with my art. I could meet interesting, new people.
would be a big change. Change in jobs. Change in living
arrangements. I would probably have to take a cut on my condo, and go
back to renting. Probably have to have a roommate to start off. A
definite change in climate. Many people are afraid of change. And
there is something to be said about security and stability. But me, I
know how fragile and short life can be, and I'm afraid to not live it
fully and completely.
any of you seen Revoluntionary Road? Wow. I went to see it alone.
Yep, got my candy, and a frozen coke. :) I wanted to see what this
married couple who seemed to have achieved the white picket fence
American dream were longing for, or what kind of demons they were
battling. I often wonder what it would be like to be like so many of
the people I am surrounded by here in married, white, family land. I
have moments where I might feel a tinge of envy, when I am struggling
all alone. But for the most part...I believe I am more ALIVE than most
people here. I guess I just wanna go find some more living creatures.
My take on the movie might be a little different than how others here
view it to be. I saw the couple as two highly passionate people who
simply wanted something more out of life than what they had. As good as
what they had might have appeared to others looking in, they were
looking outward. It was an eye opener for me.
And I think it's okay to want more.
To want something different.
To seek Change.
So...what kind of change do you want to make?
and do you have the guts to do it?
and do you have the guts to do it?
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