Thursday, January 26, 2012

Follow the Money

"Exploiting people of color is very common. Empowering them and their communities does not seem to be." from Follow the Money - Arts

The high school I attended in Pontiac, MI didn't have a yearbook (except for a cheap one my graphics arts teacher helped us print up), didn't have sports, and didn't have a prom. These programs are often missing where they are needed most--for a child/teenager/human being to thrive.  Pontiac Central High School no longer exists.  My city has been ravaged by poverty, drugs, gangs, violence, and lack of proper support.  Check out the brief article at the above link, and consider watching the film Thrive--though there are some parts that are a little aloof, it's enlightening.

Follow the money ... it's very distressing.  I've been told "you're too smart for your own good", and oh how true that feels sometimes.  I've learned more about the big bankers than I've been comfortable with since I've been fighting to get my mortgage interest lowered for almost 2 years now.  My original lender was Mortgage Max, then it was sold to Washington Mutual, then to Wells Fargo--and they are one of the top handful of banks who received 1/2 of a trillion $$$ from the Federal Reserve at a 0% interest rate, but don't abide by the Make Your Home Affordable program  and lower the interest rate to those struggling to keep their homes.  They claim a paper from a year prior is missing my address, and other ludicrous excuses shower in, hoping a person will just give up or die.  I feel powerless, often helpless, with the extremes that surround me.  It's not simply that I'm sad about my own struggles with health problems and how that affects my ability to earn enough to meet my basic needs, but when I think about my community...the economy of Michigan, of the United States, and the global effects of poverty resulting from the deeds of the greedy...I become heart sick.  

Just so u know...our economy is not in trouble because of a President who is either red or blue, but because of the big banks. We are enslaved to the spell of the wealthiest 1%.  They essentially rule the world.  As with slavery, it didn't originate here, but it gets cultivated here.  Change can also occur here...awareness is the beginning to insight change.  Here's a timeline to educate yourself further:  Follow the Money - Banking History  "This timeline shows the pattern of American Presidents being assassinated after challenging central bankers and their monopoly on money, and the Federal Reserve’s artificial creation of booms and busts that causes people to lose their jobs, homes, and retirements, while the bankers further consolidate wealth and control."  Sounds like Mafia of the highest order to me.  

I don't have the answers, but I sure know how to ask the questions! 

I welcome your comments and your activism!

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