Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tiramisu Fiesta!

My little parrotlet Zoabi was named after some dude in Chicago that was flirting with a friend of mine...he kept repeating his name "I am Shad Zoabi".  (who knows how he spelled it)  I said "I'm gonna name my bird that!  Zoabi!"  And I did.

Zoabi came to me via a friend in 2003--my artist friend Misael Nunez.  His family owned a Mexican market, and someone dropped off this sweet little parrotlet and a cockatiel to their store.  His aunt kept the cockatiel and this little parrotlet was left in a small, dirty cage in their tiny, dark bathroom.  Misael told me if I wanted her he'd pay for a new cage and food.  :)  Of course I said I'd give her a good home!  I had canaries, and she went through most of her life with canary neighbors--Frida was a long time buddy.  When Frida died a little over a year ago, I went out and got a parakeet (because they are less costly than canaries), and I found one that was solid yellow and looked like a canary--Lemon Chiffon!  On November 19, 2010, Lemon Chiffon and Zoabi were introduced and were playing and showing off to each other.  Day 2, they shared meals and swapped tongues!  Day 3 they moved into a luxury abode--Together!  They've been deeply in love ever since.

A week ago today Zoabi died and I have been heartbroken.  I loved that mini parrot with all my heart.  Chiffon did too, and it was evident that he was sad and didn't know how to go on without his love.  After a few days, Chiffon and I went on with our lives, we were a little better, but it will never be the same without Zoabi.  

I knew I had to be strong and go find Chiffon a new friend--though a love like he had with Zoabi can't be replaced--I went today to PetSmart and eyed their parakeets.  One pale yellow budgie sat alone from the rest appearing quite docile.  I chose her.  When I pulled into my carport, Tiramisu started squawking and fluttering about in the little box.  Feisty little thing!  Yes...she already had her name at this point...I called my neighbor Ann and asked for a name of a dessert that is pale yellow/creamy in color.  I said "Biscotti", and Ann like that.  Then she said "Tiramisu", and I said "Yes!  I can call her Misu for short."  :)  After I brought her into the studio room for introduction to Chiffon she was incredibly feisty!  She didn't want to just mingle outside the cage with him, she wanted to fly around the ceiling without landing!  No place was an appropriate perch for her!  Ann said "Maybe you should name her Fiesta!"  haha!  I said, "Ok, she'll be named Tiramisu Fiesta!"  heehee

I got a hold of Misu and put her in the cage with Chiffon--cuz the cage door was open and Chiffon was just chillin' watching what was going on.  Misu calmed right down, and they sat on opposite ends of a perch and just gave each other space to get acquainted from a distance.

I talked softly to them both...told Misu "You're going to like it here better than the pet store get to wake up when the sun comes up, and go to sleep when the sun goes down, and I'll play music for you.  Chiffon will be a good friend to you."  And to Chiffon "I'm sorry we lost Zoabi, I hope you will like Misu and that she'll be good company to you." 

And by night fall they had moved closer together--no kisses and snuggle yets, but there's always tomorrow!

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